Title                   : Insane Clown Posse DOOM : Hell in the Ghetto v.4
Filename                : ICPDOOM.WAD 
Date Started            : 4/2/98 (started designing new resources)
Date Completed          : ?/?/?? (completed putting them in)
Authors                 : Adam and Jason Martin 
Email Address           : Adam - arm1284@aol.com Jason - retardjay@aol.com
Description             : Replaces many items (listed below) :

Arch-Vile is now Wizard of the Ghetto. - not yet started or implemented

Armors now have new patterns and the spiritual armor bonus now has spinning 

Cacodemon is now Mr. Johnson's Head. - not yet implemented

Cyberdemon is now 43rd District Judge. - not yet started or implemented

Demon is now a pig. - not yet implemented

Edited credit screen. - not completely finished but implemented

Health Items now have new patterns, health bonus is now 2-liter Faygo, and 
berserk pack is now Faygo 6-pak. - [only 2-liter and 6-pak are in]

Heavy Weapon Dude is now Hillbilly Earl.

Imp is now the Boogieman.

Keys are now the first three Joker's Cards.

Lost Soul is now a small chicken.

Mancubus is now Fat Sweaty Betty. - not yet started implemented

Megasphere is Violent J's face, Invisibility sphere is Shaggy 2 Dope's 
face, Invincibility sphere is the running man with the hatchet, Soul sphere 
is the pic from the 2 Dope Fxck Off album.

New console background for running with Doom Legacy.

New DOOM II logo for menu (ICP logo).

New levels. - not yet implemented

New DOS exit screen.

New status bar (says FAYGO instead of CELL, more changes soon).

Pain Elemental is now a big chicken that shoots out small chickens 
(Lost Souls). - not yet started or implemented

Radiation suit is now clothes from an ICP ad. -not yet started or implemented

Removes the following enemies: Baron of Hell, Arachnotron, Spider Mastermind,
and SS Nazi (wolfenstein guy).

Revenant is now a ninja. - not yet implemented

Shotgun Guy is now Shaggy 2 Dope. - not yet started or implemented

Skull at side while menu is on screen is the now a little shrunken head with

Skull keys are now the last three Joker's Cards. - not fully implemented (fifth Joker's
Card will be released in April, the last one probably around 2001)

The plasma gun and BFG 9000 are now Faygo guns. - not yet implemented

There are new sounds for the Lost Soul, Pain Elemental, and Demon. - 
not yet implemented

There is a new sound for the Imp.  

Title Screen is now ICP title screen with Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope in the ghetto.

Zombieman is now Violent J. - only face and hair completely changed; the clothes 
are being finished now
Additional Credits to   : ICP,ICP,ICP,ICP,ICP!!!, iD for creating DOOM II, 
                          David Moller for NWT, and Peter Monks for TED. 
* Play Information *
Game                    : DOOM II (use Doom Legacy to play it)
Episode and Level #     : Level 1, 2, and 32 (the levels in right now are to
                          test, they are not original (except level 2), and 
                          will be gone soon)
Single Player           : Yes (all except 32)
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes (all except 32)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes (all levels, I believe)
Difficulty Settings     : Yes (for the original levels, not sure about the
New Sounds              : Yes              
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : None; use Doom Legacy to run the wad because
 			  there is CD music support so you can pop in an ICP
                          CD when you play
Demos Replaced          : None
* Construction *
Base                    : Original DOOM II graphics (we drew over some) and 
                          some graphics from scratch based on ICP songs. 
			  Sounds are taken from ICP songs and other sources. 
                          Levels will be created soon but different ones that
                          are in now are from Tha DooM Shack.
Editors used            : NWT, TED.
Known Bugs              : None so far, if playing with Doom Legacy.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this [add-on] as a base to build additional
[add-on]s or levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file only through the internet
(unless you know us, then you might get it on a disk, like Eric) as long as 
you include this file intact.
* Where to get this WAD *
The Official ICP DOOM Homepage: http://come.to/icpdoom

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